Well…read an article this morning that just distilled what is wrong with the repub party these days…with the tax cut fever that has spread through repub controlled states like Wisconsin, Kansas, Louisiana, and our own state of Michigan that has busted all of the budgets…some of the conservatives in Louisiana have figured out that gee, maybe cutting all those taxes was not such a good idea since they are now looking at a 1.6 billion dollar deficit. Some of them have even uttered the unthinkable, that they may have to raise taxes to fix the shortfall. But, here comes the sickening part…instead of doing their jobs and taking care of the people of Louisiana, they first had to make the pilgrimage to the shrine of tax cutting, Grover Norquists office…and you know the result. Under no circumstances will he allow them to raise taxes…but, my question is “who elected Grover Norquist?” No resident of Louisiana voted for him so why do they have to suffer the destruction of their state to please him? It’s about time for the US to throw this idiot and his nonsense to the curb…this crap has never worked to do anything but to make the rich richer and allow them to freeload on our tax dollars….I hope this makes you as sick as it makes me….no one person has done more damage to the country than ole Grover…geez…
Tag Archives: grover norquist
One other thing…
Well…I was going to get to a couple of topics in that last one but the flow was such that I thought it should end with just the one…so, I needed to come back with another comment on maybe a little bit of shining hope that the rational folks in this country deserve…yesterday, (or the day before), Obama came out firing against the hypocrites in the repub party for protecting the Bush tax cuts for the rich, while making sure the payroll tax cut is not renewed…one that will benefit mainly the middle class. I think this is a narrative that needs to be shouted from the rooftops…that the repubs have never met a tax cut for the rich and connected that they didn’t like, and that they have never met one that benefits the middle class that they did….and that these folk have sworn to protect Grover Norquist more than they have sworn to protect the Constitution…geez…
The “failure” of the deficit committee…
Well…since the deficit committee and it’s purported failure is going to be in the news for the next couple of days, I thought I’d weigh in with my two cents before the punditry gets it’s chance..oh, I guess I’m one of them…oh, well…don’t hold that against me. First, let’s cut through the nonsense of “fairness” that the general media seems obsessed with and place the blame squarely where it belongs…Grover Norquist and his anti-tax goons that would rather see the country fail than have any discussion about the need to raise revenue from the rich who are taxed at the lowest rate in history right now. Remember, that as near as the 70′s, the top tax rate was over 70% for the top 1%…not the 25% they pay now with all of the loopholes and shelters they have been given by the repubs. So, any time the media attempts to make the assertion that both sides are at fault, remember that the dems were willing to talk entitlement reform (which I think was a mistake in this context) and the repubs were still working on the strategy that says that saying no is the best form of politics for them. One of the things that the repubs are ignoring here is the fact the country has abandoned them on the idea of not raising taxes…..over 65% of the country want taxes to be part of any bargain and the 9% approval rate of the repub controlled House bears that out. Keep it up Grover…and you and your cronies can go back under the rock you crawled from….geez….
Well….not really that depressed…
Well….I just can’t believe the hypocrites in the repub party and the latest talking point that was released yesterday that is taking Obama to task for taking a vacation while the economy is in danger of a double dip recession. Man, these guys have the best selective memory I have ever seen….I just want to remind you here that their darling pres, ole GW, took more vacations than any president in history and Obama is nowhere close to the time off that GW had at this time in his presidency…so repubs, get over it and get your own house in order. I do have one other question….when did Grover Norquist become the constitution? All of the repubs that have been appointed to the “super congress” that is supposed to find solutions to our economic problems have signed the no new taxes pledge that ole Norquist has forced upon them….does their oath of office include to preserve and protect Grover Norquist?
Okay that depressing post from yesterday….it’s hard at times to keep your sanity when the world appears as if it is imploding in front of your eyes but as the Who said….”we get hungover but we always survive it”….and that is what is going to happen here….we’ll all survive it…I hope….
Let’s stop this nonsense…
Well….with all of this nonsense about the right wingers holding the country hostage or, being allowed to hold the country hostage, I have had enough…what I want Obama to do now is take everything off the table; to stop compromising with the repub thugs and say you get nothing….the only thing we should give them is a sharp kick in the ass and tell them we are tired of their childish nonsense and they will not be rewarded for being children….and then just let the country go into the tank…maybe we need this kind of wrenching trouble to eradicate the tea partiers from this country…..Grover Norquist doesn’t own this country and he needs to be told that…that legislators pledge to uphold the constitution not some no tax pledge that he has bludgeoned the repubs into signing and upholding….geez….
It must make it easy…
Well…have been reading a lot about all of the “pledges” that all of the repub legislators and candidates have been asked (or should I day extorted) to take before they will get the support of the radicals that have taken over the party. You have the no tax pledge, the no abortion pledge, the no cooperation with the enemy (read Democrats) pledge, the I love everything about business pledge…well.. that last one I made up but it still fits with the the philosophy that the repubs have adopted. This must make it really easy for any repub that is in congress or running for office…they no longer have to think or hold nuanced positions on the complex issues that face the country today, they just have to call up Grover Norquist and get the day’s talking points…but I think they should go that a step further…why should we continue to pay these guys when they no longer have to research any bill, no longer even have to read them, to know they are against them…why don’t we just get a little piece of software written that identifies all of their hot-button key words and then have the software just say no….then we could eliminate all of the salaries of these so called representatives…what about the people in their districts that didn’t vote for them? Shouldn’t they be represented too? Geez….