Well…since the deficit committee and it’s purported failure is going to be in the news for the next couple of days, I thought I’d weigh in with my two cents before the punditry gets it’s chance..oh, I guess I’m one of them…oh, well…don’t hold that against me. First, let’s cut through the nonsense of “fairness” that the general media seems obsessed with and place the blame squarely where it belongs…Grover Norquist and his anti-tax goons that would rather see the country fail than have any discussion about the need to raise revenue from the rich who are taxed at the lowest rate in history right now. Remember, that as near as the 70′s, the top tax rate was over 70% for the top 1%…not the 25% they pay now with all of the loopholes and shelters they have been given by the repubs. So, any time the media attempts to make the assertion that both sides are at fault, remember that the dems were willing to talk entitlement reform (which I think was a mistake in this context) and the repubs were still working on the strategy that says that saying no is the best form of politics for them. One of the things that the repubs are ignoring here is the fact the country has abandoned them on the idea of not raising taxes…..over 65% of the country want taxes to be part of any bargain and the 9% approval rate of the repub controlled House bears that out. Keep it up Grover…and you and your cronies can go back under the rock you crawled from….geez….