It must make it easy…

Well…have been reading a lot about all of the “pledges” that all of the repub legislators and candidates have been asked (or should I day extorted) to take before they will get the support of the radicals that have taken over the party. You have the no tax pledge, the no abortion pledge, the no cooperation with the enemy (read Democrats) pledge, the I love everything about business pledge…well.. that last one I made up but it still fits with the the philosophy that the repubs have adopted. This must make it really easy for any repub that is in congress or running for office…they no longer have to think or hold nuanced positions on the complex issues that face the country today, they just have to call up Grover Norquist and get the day’s talking points…but I think they should go that a step further…why should we continue to pay these guys when they no longer have to research any bill, no longer even have to read them, to know they are against them…why don’t we just get a little piece of software written that identifies all of their hot-button key words and then have the software just say no….then we could eliminate all of the salaries of these so called representatives…what about the people in their districts that didn’t vote for them? Shouldn’t they be represented too? Geez….

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