Well…I hope you’ve read the latest repub talking point on the stimulus where they are still hammering on stimulus packages as never have been effective in the history of the world and trying to make the point that the stimulus that started to pull us out of the depression should never have been done….as evidenced by the double dip that happened after Roosevelt cut spending while the recovery was still fragile. But the funniest thing I’ve heard lately came from Lindsey Graham, the repub from South Carolina, is the newest talking point that said the only thing that brought us out of the depression was WWII….Lindsey….I have news for you, WWII was the largest stimulus program in the history of the world with huge amounts of deficit spending done by the federal government to build factories and infrastructure that was used to fuel the boom of the 50′s….how stupid can these guys be? I guess you can see it, or hear it whenever they talk…what’s the next talking point repubs? Aren’t you tired of being wrong all of the time?