Well..now that Rick Perry is in the repub race, I thought I’d do a preemptive strike against his boasts that he is a job creator that can do a better job than Obama has done is this nasty recession. I laugh because he is trying to tie the creation of jobs in Texas on his watch to the same old tired repub lines of tax cuts and union busting. What has really happened is that the run up in oil prices has added the only jobs that have been created in his term, oil related jobs…yep…and as I have said before, that means that everyone else in the country has subsidized these jobs by paying more for gas and oil…basically, the entire state of Texas is only growing because of the corporate welfare that the rest of us pay to the companies based there. So, the next time you hear this right wing religious zealot talk about his success, take away the accident of oil in the ground there and you have the same no growth policies that have never worked and will never work….but that doesn’t matter to the repubs….