Well…two days on the campaign trail and we have the first of what I expect to be many gaffes coming from our latest Texas tragedy, Rick Perry. This idiot came out a a couple of days ago with one of the most telling statements of the strategy of the repubs to keep the economy in the tank until the 2012 elections when he said that if the Fed did anything to help the economy in an election year it would be akin to treason and that Bernanke would not be treated well if he came to Texas. So, Rick, because there is an election over a year away, we should do nothing to help people get back to work and ease their financial distress because it may help Obama get elected? We can see that the repubs are no longer even lying about caring about anyone but the rich and powerful that buy them elections and that Rick Perry is just another underachiever who thinks that the minimum wage jobs that he has created in Texas is a template for the rest of the country in the repubs race to turn the US into another Mexico or China…geez….
Oh, one last thing…where are the jobs gov Snyder?