well…as time goes by in this primary season, more and more facts are coming to light about how Rick Perry has sold Texas into one of the greatest states for crony capitalism….in the Post today, there is an article that has found the fact that 34 of the governor’s top 50 donors received tax breaks, state contracts, or appointment to regulatory boards in Texas; a huge extension of the culture of “pay to play” that has been rampant under his administration. Didn’t we have enough of this type of crap under Bush/Cheney with Halliburton and the rest of the connected businesses stealing billions from the American people? Then, we have ole Rick out on the stump shouting that only private business creates jobs, that government can’t do it…then, why do we have ole Rick doling out millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to businesses to have them build manufacturing plants in Texas? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy…..if you want to know what not to do on the federal level…just look at what ole Rick is doing in Texas….