September 7th

Well….I was really good last night and even slept quite well so I feel almost human again today but still have the aches all over so I may have some kind of a bug….or I’m just getting old but I don’t think that’s it…the legs were really dead on the bike yesterday and I think that points to a bug so that what I’ll keep believing. I am not ready for the weather to change yet but when you live in Michigan you have to be ready for it since it can happen in a couple of days….I do feel good that my allergies have not flared much this year even with goldenrod blooming everywhere…I do have things to do today….well, not much, but I do have some errands to run after coffee and that will allow me to wait until it’s a little warmer to get out for the ride…don’t want to go to sweatshirts yet….I did get a political one out yesterday and I’m getting a few ideas that I will get to today…I’m only one behind for the month so the goal is to get caught up…more later…

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