Well….a cold morning out on the bike but the sun felt good and I did too….I’m still amazed that I can keep this up every day…but, enough of that….the Great Blue Heron has gone missing from the ponds along M-6 but there was another sighting that more than made up for it…on one of the bridges I cross on the trail, there was some sort of raptor sitting right in the middle of the bridge and it sat there until I was about 10 feet away where I could see that it had just made a kill of a bluejay and had it in it’s talons. When I approached it, the bird took off down the trail to land about 6 feet up in a tree where it sat just watching me…tried to get the phone out to get a picture but it took off before I could….don’t know what kind of bird it was…at first thought, Peregrine Falcon popped into my head but this bird was all medium grey and the size of a large crow…maybe a Kestrel? I’ll have to go out and look it up…if I find out, I’ll update later….