Well…just a short one…the events of the last couple of days expose the repubs for what they truly are…the job killers that they are always accusing the dems of being. In front of the fed meeting that is going on over the next couple of days, the repub thugs have sent a letter to the fed chairman threatening him with some kind of action if he allows another bout of stimulus to prevent the economy from falling back into recession. Never mind that the fed is an independent entity that was specifically designed to prevent the kind of legislative meddling that the repubs hate unless it is to benefit business…when there is possibilty that the fed can use it’s few tools to benefit the economy as a whole, the repubs go off on their crazy train and start making threats like the terrorists they are. This time the public needs to step up and hold these thugs feet to the fire and force them to start to govern for more than the top 1%…geez…