Well….can’t believe how sensitive the shifter is on the bike…about a 16th of an inch of adjustment and it works better than it ever has…yay! Now I need to clean the thing up before I go to Chi-town Thurs to visit my daughter…will probably go down thurs evening and stay until the USA England match is over…coming back Sat night..or not, who knows, I may do what I normally do and that is to get out of dodge as soon as possible.
It has been a somewhat boring day but I did get my bathroom cleaned and the whole place vacuumed; getting ready for the sports car race to start at 2…have some chicken brining for dinner but will have to bake it since the grill is gone…brined chicken is no good on the grill anyway. It kind of feels good to have had a no-drink night last night…have a lot more energy today but that may be the coffee…
I did re-watch Burn Notice this morning…must have been the booze thurs night since it was not bad today…probably should stop
drinking completely for a while and give the liver a rest….at least for this weekend….well…maybe not…
I promise more later about other subjects…you may be getting bored with this stuff..but I wouldn’t know without comments…;-)