I’m a little disappointed…

Well…this has been a disappointing week so far…I did have some resumes go out and I don’t know why I should be depressed that I haven’t gotten any responses…after all, there have been hundreds go out over the summer and now the fall with no luck…maybe it’s the inability to ride the bike today…the guilts have already set in and now I have to try to figure out how to take 800 calories out of what I eat today to make up for it….I’m sure there is a weather component to it, too, with the day being so dreary…but I think the root cause is the lack of possibilities that now exist….and the fact that I’m balanced so precariously on a razor’s edge of financial ruin that the next repair on the car or unexpected bill will nudge me over that edge. It is extremely stressful to live that way and I think that is one of the reasons for the discontent in the country right now…there are too many of us who have worked our whole lives chasing the American dream and now find that there is no place left for us….but, I’m going to keep on trying….what else can you do?

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