More republican nonsense…

Well…I’ll bet you’re getting tired of my pointing out the nonsense that comes daily from the repubs, but someone has to do it and I really, really wanted to point this one out since it is so representative of the contempt the repubs have for the unemployed in this country. Instead of working on a real jobs bill that will help put people back to work, (and let’s not confuse the tax cut nonsense they are pushing for a jobs bill), the repubs in the house are going to waste the better part of a day this week on a resolution that will affirm that the “official” motto of this country is “In god we trust”. Yep, folks, I’m not making this up…in this one fell swoop, and in a bow to their evangelical base, these idiots are telling the 20% of us non-believers that there is no place for us here unless we allow the majority to force this bit of nonsense on us. When are we, as a country, going to stop voting for these do nothings whose only purpose in life is to make sure that the economy stays in the tank so Obama can’t get credit for it. And now, in an article that I just read….none of the senate repubs are going to vote for necessary infrastructure spending since it will be paid for by a tax of .7% on those whose incomes are over a million dollars a year. So, the rest of the nation is left to suffer crumbling roads, bridges, and schools just so the repubs can protect the unconscionable wealth of the 1%. I think their time is gonna come…to quote Led Zeppelin…geez….

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