Well…it’s 5:48 and I’m up again but I actually feel quite good…another no cocktail night and the weird thing is that I slept okay but I have been grinding my teeth again and my jaw hurts like crazy again this morning….but that’s okay…not a bad tradeoff to feel this good in the morning….interesting show on Nova last night about time and what it really is that has still left me a little confused but a good exercise for the brain for a change that made me work some and I like it. There are so many things in the news that I need to comment on later…Joe Paterno, Rick Perry’s meltdown in the debate last night, and the new polls that show that over 60% of the country want the feds to step in to correct the growing income disparity her in the US…and I just want the tea partiers to keep talking about nothing but slashing….there I go again…I need to wait on this stuff for the political one later…not much to do today…I have to get groceries and then run some errands and I think the kitchen floor needs some work….more later….