Well…lots of stuff going on in the repub primary races and, to me, points out a lot of the hypocrisy that is rampant in today’s repub party. The front runners in the party of “family values” are either serial cheaters and liars (see Newt Gingrich) or they are serial sexual harassers ( see Herman Cain) of they are serial flip floppers (see Mitt Romney) who will do or say anything to garner votes; no mater that what they say today is 180 degrees the opposite of what they’ve said in the past. Let’s try to remember why ole Newt isn’t in congress anymore…the fact that his ethics violations were catching up to him and there were severe sanctions on the horizon…but the worst of it is that he is the embodiment of what is wrong with the revolving door politics that runs between congress and K street. where even a disgraced legislator can continue to slop at the trough and make millions and millions of dollars shilling for the companies that elected them. What happened to the republican party that had principles? We can see that principles don’t matter to them anymore, just power and influence and money….geez…
Okay, one last thing…now, I’ll trash the dems in the senate, too, for their misguided bill that would allow the indefinite detention without trial or other recourse to terrorism suspects on US soil….now I think these folks have never read the 4th amendment to the constitution or they would know that this bill would be overturned by the supreme court…so, shame on you dems, for this piece of political nonsense…our court system is plenty robust to take care of these folks through normal channels…