Well…the true colors of the repubs continue to seep through their carefully crafted conservative coats….this week, another layer was peeled off of their hatred for the middle class when they refused to back the continuation of the payroll tax holiday that primarily benefits the middle class. These hypocrites are back on their same old tired mantra that any continuation of these tax breaks for workers must be paid for by additional cuts to the programs that benefit the middle class…in essence saying that workers can have tax cuts if they pay for them. But they never said that when they cut taxes for the rich or corporations, of started two wars that were not funded….when are we going to tire of this nonsense? When are we going to call these idiots out on this naked grab of middle class money that is then given to the rich in the form of tax cuts? I know, you guys are getting tired of hearing this but who else is going to hold this corruption up to the light?
Do you need any other reasons to never vote for these crooks again? Geez….