Yeah, I know I’ve been lazy…

Well…it’s been another day where my outrage has died a little more and that is the major reason that the political stuff here has dwindled so much. It’s not like I haven’t been trying, but life and the mundane has been occupying my head way too much and has crowded out most other thoughts. It didn’t help that I didn’t get the papers today but I had to get the car fixed first thing in the morning when I normally would have been getting coffee and reading. And, the online papers are just not enough to get me fired up…so, I’m going to end today with the same old tired promise that I’ll get better at this and get back to the high energy, lucid stuff I used to write….I may even come back to this one later tonight after I have the first cocktail…who knows?

Okay…I did just have a tiny little flicker of outrage….the repubs are at it again…they are holding up the payroll tax cuts that would benefit working Americans and keep the recovery going just to reward their rich backers in the oil industry by betting the polluting Keystone pipeline approved. Have you ever seen a more naked grab for the rich than this? Geez….

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