Maybe the Republicans are getting some sense….

Well…there is not much going on with politics but the Iowa nonsense with the repubs but I can’t believe that there is so much time and attention being expended on this weird, throwback of a process. When you do the math, the whole caucus there and all of the votes amount to less than one-half of one percent of the total electorate in the US and the winner comes out thinking that he or she is presidential material and has earned a mandate to continue. But that is not what this is about…this is supposed to be about the repubs getting some sense and abandoning the idiot Newt for the nonsense he has been spouting…now, ole Newt may be right at home in a Dickens novel, but he is certainly not presidential material and it looks like even the hard right that controls the elections in Iowa has wised up to that fact. Well…maybe I’m wrong that they’ve gotten smarter…since they have pushed Rick Santorum to second place in the polls and have even kept Ron Paul in the running…this could be fun to watch if you like slow-motion crashes….I know, not too lucid but I’m really trying so bear with me a while…if I don’t get better then abandon me…

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