Well…I was going to comment on the doubling down of the repubs on their nonsensical tax plans, or their hatred of gays, or anyone else that is not like them….but, for some reason, the bike ride emptied my brain of all of the thoughts that I had in there…and lately, the thoughts have been thin to say the least. Okay, going back to the papers to look for the topics that were there….there is one that I wanted to tackle is the whole transfer the tax burden from the rich and corporations to individual workers and retirees. First, there was the lie of the direness of the financial state of Michigan…we were told that without the corporate tax cuts and increases on individuals along with benefit cuts, that Michigan would have an unsustainable deficit that would stretch into the forseeable future…but, let’s take a look at what really happened…magically there is a billion dollar surplus in the state’s coffers at the end of the year…before any of Snyder’s tax changes took place and it looks like Snyder and his cronies were lying again to reward their corporate masters with 1.7 billion dollars in tax cuts. How much longer do we sit here and allow the looting of our state by these thieves? Geez…