Well…another day just like the rest yesterday but I did get to go out and have a couple with G so that made it a little palatable…and I had weird dreams about cooking and cleaning…but mostly cleaning last night…not sure what that was about but it was fun to have some again, finally. It was nice to have some of the snow melt yesterday and if we would get one more day like it, I might be able to get back on the bike later in the week…but we’re not getting it so I probably should just resign myself to waiting until spring…that means I should take it over to wash it but I’m not motivated to do that yet….not much to do today…I may go out to get some veggies for snacks…have been thinking about replacing a whole meal with veggies to counteract the lack of exercise but I’m not sure how to do that yet…looks like something to do anyway….more later…