Well…I just wanted to comment a little on some things that really don’t have the meat to be an entire article here….yeah, I know, I’ve turned really small ideas into whole columns before but I don’t feel like it today…so, here goes…I am a little heartened by the unemployment numbers that came out the other day and my hope meter for ever finding another job went up a little but I know I have to temper it a little since this has happened before and I’m still not working…I did like the poll numbers that came out a few days ago, too…where Obama is 6-7 points ahead of ole Mitt in the general election polling but I do understand that a lot can happen in the next 10 months…one of the striking things from one of those polls is the results of a question that asked if people liked ole Mitt more the more they heard him….and 54% of the people didn’t…so now ole Mitt is going to not say anything the rest of the election cycle? Then there was the study done over the past couple of years that found that conservatives in the US are much less intelligent than the rest of the population…things that anyone would know if you ever listen to them…Oh, one last thing, the right wing idiot that was coordinating the attack by Komen on PP has resigned (or was fired)…I say good riddance….there is no place for politics in health issues, especially womens health that has been the hotbed of controversy since I was little…