Well…just wanted to get a quick one in here before I get to the races so I won’t be thinking about it during the race…I find the latest non-partisan scoring of the competing tax bills that have come out of the White House and the repub candidates just so damn funny that I had to write about it…in it, the economists agree that the plans of the repub candidates, to a man, will end up being worse for the economy and will increase, not decrease the deficits…and they all show to be much worse that the one proposed by the White House that will be DOA in the House. One of the telling things that was buried in the articles that I’ve read is the fact the ole Mitt’s plan will give massive tax cuts to the rich and raise taxes on everyone else….even the president of Bank of America has said that taxes should be raised on those making over a million dollars a year and should be even higher for those making 10 million a year, and the Murdoch owned right wing Wall Street Journal agreed this week. When the repubs are losing the banks and the Journal, who do they have left that thinks they know what they are doing? Not many, I hope…