Well…with the passing of the repub primary yesterday, I thought I should comment a little on the event since I live here…first thing I want to say is “what were they thinking?” when both of the candidates bashed the auto bailouts and unions as they crossed the state…are they trying to lose the general election? One of the things that I think the repubs have lost sight of is the fact that the people in Michigan (even republicans) liked the auto bailouts and the hundreds of thousands of jobs they saved and the repubs slide to the right to unbridled and unregulated capitalism is not going to play well in the general…and ole Rick’s anti womens rights screeds and his lying attack on Obama for being a “snob” backfired to ensure his loss. Now, he is trying to soften his stand as the pope in chief and moralizer but, while it may work with the tiny sliver of the repub party that votes in the primary, it has caused the repub establishment to basically write off Michigan for the general election since even Romney has been dragged so far to the right that he won’t be able to repair the damage if he wins the nomination. But, let’s not cheer too much right now…as much as I love to see these idiots pummel each other, I never underestimate the ignorance of the electorate as evidenced by all of the lower middle class folks voting against their own economic self interest in the last election and putting the repubs in charge of the House…where did that get you? Where are the jobs plans and the plans to get the income of the workers growing again? Nowhere, since the repubs in control always revert back to the culture war when they are in power since they don’t even believe that there is anything that can or should be done by government to help the economy grow…geez…