Well….it’s been another day today but with the running text conversation with T this morning I could smile a little bit..and I got back on the bike for a ride so that made a big difference in my mood….other than that, it was just a normal day, just like the rest of them and I had high hopes that there would be a few jobs out there but that was not the case….so, I stayed in for another day and didn’t spend the cash for the papers or coffee which does depress me a little but what can you do? I am looking forward to another evening with no cocktails…I wonder if I’m getting tired of that, too? Then what would I replace that with? I do love the ice water so maybe that would be the thing…it would probably be better for me so I guess I could think about it…okay….I thought this one was going to be better than this and I was going to have something interesting to say…no such luck…oh, well.