I’m sitting here in front of my computer almost paralyzed by the happenings yesterday by the troglodytes in the Republican party. Talk about your target rich environment…I am amazed that anyone is still listening to these folks after Barton, Bachmann and the rest finished up yesterday. Let’s start with Joe Barton, the Repub from Texas, who yesterday apologized to BP for what he called the “shakedown” by the Obama White House for holding them responsible for the disaster in the gulf….this, from the party of responsibility…but only responsibility if you are poor or middle class…or you owe too much on your student loans, or are upside down on your mortgage. But if you are a corporation that has caused the worst environmental disaster in history, the apologists in the Repub party have your back…and will do anything to protect your obscene profits.
Then…I have to move on to the idiot Michelle Bachmann…does she even read the talking points before she spouts them like some deranged robot? Well…her comment on the 20 billion dollar clean up fund that Obama has dragged out of BP is that it is another example of the socialistic re-distribution of wealth that is the plan of this administration. I guess it’s okay with her when re-distribution goes the other way with the Bushies tax cuts for the rich, but taking care of all of the damaged people in the gulf is just too much for her and the rest of the Repub morons.
Haven’t you had enough of these guys? Do you really want to have the government controlled by the representatives from big oil? Geez….