Well..had fun yesterday…won at pool but drank too much and feel kind of crappy this morning…so this one is not going to be groundbreakingly lucid by any means…in fact, I think I’ll end here for now…going to head for the couch and nurse my wounds a bit…ice water has just a huge attraction to me right now…more later…
Okay…I’m back….damn, it’s a pain to get old…literally…now I’ve hurt my back somehow to go along with the tendinitis in my elbow and shoulder…oh, well, I was going to write a post about how I feel pretty good for my age but I think I’ll hold off on that for now…did have a nice bike ride and the bike is still working perfectly even after riding it through the flood yesterday…had to even use a different pair of shoes since my normal ones are still soaked. Not much else to say today…well, right now, that is…I need to make lunch and you should, too…