Well… just a short one on politics since the NCAA tournament is on…I’m not usually a basketball fan but who can resist right now? Okay… read a really interesting article this morning in some paper..not sure which one but the interesting part is that as the repubs tack further and further to the right, they are becoming the party of angry, old, white people, that feel that their time has passed and who will do anything to try to maintain their privileged place in the world. And, it does nothing but get worse for the repubs as the changing demographics of the population is taken into account; with their harsh rhetoric against immigrants, they have alienated the fastest growing segment of the population. The article was interesting in describing the groups that the repubs have offended in this campaign…starting with women, Hispanics, independents, and basically everyone other than their base…and the stupid thing is that appealing only to their base to get through the primaries, they are limiting themselves to about 30% of the electorate in the general election. But, it couldn’t happen to a better bunch…who would vote for ole Mitt when he stated the other day “oh, Planned Parenthood, we’ll get rid of that”….an organization that does more for women’s health needs than any other in the US….this pandering to the hard right, hate everyone but themselves group is going to guarantee a loss this fall…keep it up, guys…