Well…it has been a weird day….had to fix a flat on the bike again and spent most of the morning running around looking for inserts to put in the tires to prevent them….and it has been raining off and on all day so I stayed off the bike…I think I may have found why the shifter has been so hinkey lately but it will mean putting a new cable in in the next couple of days….can you use in and in together? Who knows…it looks weird to read but I think its sounds okay….I do feel a little better…no, that’s not right…I felt okay this morning but, as you know, there are times I allow myself to think a little more deeply than I should and it comes pouring out here…but, you’ve seen that before and you will see it again….I do have warts, after all….and I sometimes display them here for all of you to see….tomorrow I will get to a political one since I am going to splurge for the papers…