March 27th

Well…it was a relatively nice day yesterday with having a great lunch with T and then out to have a couple with G later in the day…and it was a no cocktail night so I feel quite good this morning with the Wings just crushing Columbus and playing like they are almost ready for the playoffs….T is leaving for vacation in Costa Rica Friday and I am going to miss her like crazy…and I hope her back is better before then so she can take advantage of the ocean…I am already moving around and getting things done since I have a lot to do today…I skipped the bike ride yesterday since I didn’t want to have to get the thermasuit out again…I hope today will be warmer so I can get the ride in before I head out to shoot pool with Tom….I have decided on a new tv…a 42 inch plasma that is on sale for under 400 bucks…and I am going to go out and buy it there will be lots of watching over the next week…maybe that will keep me from the crushing boredom….I hope the tv is not too big for this place….more later…

One thing I did forget….with the Wings win last night, they are in the playoffs for the 21st straight year…a truly remarkable accomplishment…maybe I’ll do one on the Wings later…

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