Well…getting at this one really early today…it’s about 5:30 am but I couldn’t sleep so I thought I do this right now…it was kind of a fun day yesterday with some good news for a change and I don’t know what to think about that…let’s start with the car….went out Sunday to shoot pool with Tom and had what I thought was a rear wheel bearing that started to make noise…but the noise stopped on the way home and hasn’t come back yet…so that was the first good thing…the second one was getting the taxes done and finding that I only owe the feds 200 bucks versus the 2K that I expected….and then, last night, I had a nice night out with G and we laughed a bunch with no arguments….all in all, a pretty good day as my days go…didn’t sleep at all, though, but I’ll take that as a trade off any day…not much to do today…I am going to take a day to just smile at the sky today and maybe get that spider alert completed…it is going to be too cold to go out on the bike today and I think my right thigh ( really, both of them) can use the rest. I will get back here later for another one and since politics has been kind of boring lately, I may have to branch out to other topics…should do one on the Wings since the playoffs start tomorrow…more later….