Well…it has been a struggling couple of days with the soreness from the accident kicking in and new bruises welling up….stayed off the bike yesterday to just wallow in the depression that comes with all of the work necessary to replace the car and, even though there were long stretches it just sat, it was there when I needed it…oh, well…it looks like it will be a couple of weeks before I can replace it since the money has to come from my IRA and that takes a week….and, I’m not sure if this is the time to get the Miata or just a replacement…things I will be deciding over the weekend…I am going to get back on the bike in a few minutes and try to do a long one but will probably keep it short…not sure what muscles were damaged and that should show once I get out….more later…
Okay…got the bike ride in and had some thoughts that I need to get down….the bike ride surfaced some more injuries to my left side that I didn’t notice until I got moving…my left hip and wrist hurt through the ibuprofen but after a while the severity lessened….I think the worst thing, though, was the waking up with the crash dreams the past two nights…I don’t sleep that well as it is but to have the thing replayed over and over is a bit much…I know the physical wounds will heal soon…I am getting a little concerned about the psychological ones, though….there is one good or bad side effect….I have lost my appetite completely….only had about 500 calories yesterday and I am cooking right now and the smell is making me nauseous….