Just trying to get caught up…

Well…it’s only the 9th of the month and I’m already two behind so I thought I’d do another one to take it back to only one….it is so funny that it was still over 86 degrees today and it actually felt cool compared to the string of 100′s we had last week…and I just read that the first half of 2012 is the warmest on record across the US…I did deal with how I feel about that in the last one so I won’t belabor that here….I am really, really bored tonight and I hope that goes away in a while…it’s a take care of myself night so I should feel pretty good in the morning if I sleep at all…one thing I don’t understand is why the repubs don’t get that the focus on cutting budgets and spending is driving the slowing of the economy…happened right after they did it in Europe and it is happening here but I guess they love the fact that they tanked the economy and now they have a great election issue….okay…that’s about it for now….I know I didn’t make a lot of sense but I had to do something…

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