Mitt is now a liar and a time traveler…

Well…had to get this one down before I forget it…the latest bit of nonsense coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign made me laugh out loud for the audacity of it…this weekend, one of ole Mitt’s advisers went on a Sunday talk show to try to explain why SEC filings show that Mitt was still the head honcho at Bain until 2002, not 1999, the date that Mitt has used to try to say he had no role in the outsourcing of jobs that Bain pioneered….and the adviser used the phrase “retroactively retired” to explain the discrepancy…You gotta hand it to these folks, creating their own reality that bears no resemblance to the truth and hoping that no one will notice….I am awestruck with the new ways they have found to lie…but, Mitt is such an expert that I shouldn’t be surprised…geez…

Oh, one last thing we should remember about these dates, most of the job creation that ole Mitt is taking credit for happened after 1999 when ole Mitt said he was no longer running Bain…so, he takes credit for jobs when he says he was retired but won’t take responsibility for outsourcing in the same time frame? Just more lies from the king of them…

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