Well…it was just another day yesterday but I was good last night so I feel okay today….another night of crappy sleep is leaving me worn out again today but I guess I’ll survive it….there was one cool thing that happened, though, they landed a Blackhawk helicopter at the Peppino’s right near hear and it was pretty loud…watched it take off, too,….was surprised at how big it was….and what poor shape it was in…looked pretty beat up with chipped paint and oil streaks….and the army folks with it looked like they were 12 or so….I must really be getting old….not much to do today….no, really, not much to do today…so it looks like the normal stuff and trying to avoid the boredom that has been rampant lately…even getting bored with the Olympics…I am really glad that gymnastics is over…the screeching of the cheers from the youngsters was getting on my nerves….more later…