Well…as I was thinking about the manufactured welfare flap that the repubs are using to falsely attack Obama…I had an epiphany on ole Mitt…It came to me that Mitt doesn’t stand for anything…just winning the election. This whole thing is just a fake argument that Obama wants to end welfare to work system that was implemented under Clinton…he wants nothing of the sort…what has been requested of the feds is that waivers be issued exempting them from federal law on the matter so the governors can more tailor the programs to the facts on the ground in the various states…and this includes two repub governors…I guess these governors have gone from great supporters of states rights to socialists overnight…but you’ll never hear that from the Romney camp…it would interfere with the meme that Obama is a socialist and just wants to hand out checks to people who don’t want to work. The funniest thing in this whole idiotic attack by the repubs is that, while ole Mitt was governor, he asked for the same waiver that he now thinks is the last straw to the damning road of socialism….this man has no beliefs or core….and would have been laughed out of politics when I was younger…just shows you how far the repubs have fallen…geez…