Jerry Ford is spinning in his grave…

Well…reading the news this morning, I see there is a love-fest going on for Jerry Ford at the repub convention in Florida this week and all I could think of is that Jerry must be spinning in his grave. In today’s repub party, Jerry would never even get nominated with the right wing ideologues that have taken over and driven the party into a caricature of what it was when Jerry was in Washington. All of the things Jerry stood for…putting the country above party, compromise to get the best solution for the most people, and for the fairness that used to be what this country stood for is now anathema to the idiots that are the supposed statesmen and “brains” of the party. Jerry would laugh at Ryan, Romney, McConnell, Palin, Bachmann and the rest of them….he would rightly say that these are small politicians who have never understood what true conservatism is and who have no clue that government is compromise; not the scorched earth combat they have turned it into. He would laugh at the tea party idiots and their “keep your damn government hands off my Medicare” slogans and dismiss them as the destructive force they are…he would laugh at how easily they are manipulated by the big money interests that have as their agenda the destruction of the jobs that the tea partiers now have….

Jerry Ford was a man of integrity, honor, and duty that the idiots like Ryan and Romney could never stand next to and I find it personally offensive that the congressman that I voted for, that I held up as the model for how to govern is being used by these charlatans to make themselves look like they are the same, moderate party that Jerry belonged to….shame on you…geez…

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