Well…after the over the top output over the past few days, I think I’ll just take it easy today and noodle around again to see if anything starts to work…I did want to talk about the new conference that ole Mitt did on Tuesday….did anyone else get creeped out by the smarmy, smirking, exit? A serious situation like the one in Libya and all this guy can do is smirk? It is getting too easy to take shots at this idiot…so, that will be the last one for the day. Good news with the polls here in Michigan…the latest ones show that ole Mitt is 10 points behind and has stopped spending money here…yay…and other polls show that senator Stabenow is leading Hoekstra by 11…and Hoekstra keeps making mistake after mistake…kinda like ole Mitt…okay…I won’t talk about him anymore. I did go back to watching the news yesterday and I think it will be a one time thing since it has gotten way too strident for me…that’s about it…can’t really think right now…I may be back later for more, though…who knows?