Well….one of the things that I have seen from the repubs over the past couple of years is that the rules don’t apply to them, whether they are actual laws or just the unwritten rules that somewhat codify what acceptable behavior is in a campaign. The Romney campaign has reached a new low just this week with the use of clips from the Israeli premiere, Netanyahu, to attack Obama on foreign policy…something that has never happened in history but the stink of desperation from them must be clouding their judgment…and I am being charitable…I really believe they are the amoral opportunists that their actions have shown them to be since the rise of the tea partiers. This is just another example of ole Mitt’s lack of judgment and again point up the lack of any foreign policy by the repubs…and letting Netanyahu push you around to get what he wants doesn’t make ole Mitt presidential…it just makes him look like the empty vessel that he is…geez…