Well…I find the contortions that ole Mitt is doing to try to make himself palatable to the general public really laughable…or, I would if the shape-shifting wasn’t such a dangerous thing….what message does it send to the world and the bad actors in it on foreign policy? If they just wait long enough, that a new policy that they will like is tried? This kind of crap just emphasizes the cynicism that runs rampant through today’s modern repub party…that even the tea partiers and their rigidity on their supposed “American Values” don’t have one word to say when ole Mitt abandons the party’s principles and platform to try to get votes…these supposed values must not mean too much to them…at least not as much as power does, the power to imposed their views on the entire country when all the polls show we don’t want what they are selling. The lack of any core values combined with the embracing of public lying is the biggest threat to this country that we face…geez…