Well…I am so sick of the crap coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign…I have never ever heard of a politician or even a private citizen that has less core than ole Mitt…who lies and lies and lies…in a better world, people would laugh at this idiot and send him back to his house with the car elevator and Bain where he can only hurt the companies that Bain owns, not the entire country…and this latest, where Mitt is on tape saying he would get rid of FEMA and being quite adamant about it in the primaries…but, today, he turns into reverso Mitt and says that he wouldn’t eliminate FEMA…what is it Mitt? FEMA or no FEMA? How did this guy get to where he is…I guess this is just another example of money trumping competence or even honesty. Then, we have the shenanigans in Wisconsin, where the Romney campaign is training thousands of “poll watchers” to go into the poll and mislead people to suppress the vote, slow down the vote so people will go home when they see the long lines that will result. Is there any greater threat to our democracy than the modern Republican party? I’ve never seen this kind of gaming of an election…and if ole Mitt wins…I will never recognize it as legitimate…this amoral idiot is damaging our country to it’s core just to win…again, no principles other than winning…it makes me sick…geez…