Well…have the car torn down and I’m waiting for the new radiator to arrive (it’s on a truck somewhere here in GR) so I thought I’d do a short one on the subject of jobs that the repubs think is going to be a winning issue for them…and again, these numbers point to the boiling pot of hypocrisy that is the modern repub party. Today, Think Progress came out with a neat little comparison of the jobs added to this point in both ole GW’s first term and those added under Obama…and it is not a pretty picture for GW…at this time in his first term, there were almost 1.2 million jobs lost…yep, that’s right, lost…while in Obama’s first term there has been a net gain of almost 800,000 jobs….a 2 million job difference that is all the more amazing considering that there were 2 million jobs lost in the first month of Obama’s term. So, the next time you hear that the repubs are “job creators”, remember these numbers and shake your head…just more of the lies, lies, lies that ooze from the modern repubs…geez…