Well…have been thinking this aft about what to write about the election and it just jumped out at me from almost all of the platforms…twitter mostly…and the story now appears to be the repubs efforts at voter suppression in the states they control…including Florida and Ohio..to try to make sure the rig the vote, these idiots have been changing the rules on the fly; in Ohio the secretary of state, Jon Husted, has even continued to change the rules in defiance of court orders that compel him to restore the early voting that was available in 2008. One of the things you need to take away form this nonsense is the fact that where there are dem SOS, there are never any problems with voting, in fact, the dems always make it easier to vote…how much more Un-American can you get than trying to make sure some of your fellow citizens won’t get the chance to exercise the greatest right that we have…to vote to elect our leaders? The second part of this story centers on the fact that Romney and his thugs are already putting a strategy in place to delay his defeat by getting thousands of lawyers to challenge ballots across the country and are training “poll watchers” to intimidate dem-leaning voters by stopping and questioning people going into the polling places to vote along with standing over the shoulders of poll workers to try to make sure the process slows down and people will get frustrated and not vote. The only question I have is “what kind of a country do we want?” One where intimidation and shennanigans steal elections or one where the competition of ideas and easy execution of our constitutional rights decides elections? It’s your choice…make the right one…