Not sure what to write about…

Well…it’s been another day today and I have been reveling in the meltdown of John McCain over the Benghazi crap…and this idiot keeps doubling down even when people in his own party say there is nothing there to be so crazy about…I just think he’s become unhinged…or addicted to the cameras on the Sunday morning shows…it kind of looks like he has one of those attention needs that is not being met by him actually doing his job as a senator. There was a great article in the Daily Kos today about the secessionist nonsense that has swept the crazys on the right…this, coming for people who supposedly are the great patriots and love this country…man, I’m not sure what they are putting in the water in the red states but it is just frickin stupid what these people want to do…kill the country to save it? I think there has been an invasion of the body snatchers or brain snatchers? When did it get to be a badge of honor to be stupid and ignorant…oh, well…at least we won the election so the crazy will be limited…geez…

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