Well…it was just another day yesterday and I still feel like crap…don’t know what is going on but I do know I’m getting really tired of it…the rest of the day was okay with getting some work done and then some rest…and there are a few movie channels that are on for free for some reason and I got to watch “Moneyball” yesterday aft and that was a pleasant surprise. Slept okay, I think, but I didn’t get to bed until 1 and then back up at 6 so maybe I’m wrong about that…I do feel tired today but that may be the cocktails talking and not the bug…I prefer to blame it on the bug….not much to do today…Man U plays at 10 and then Michigan at noon so at least a few hours are taken…and I do have one that I am going to do right after this one on Walmart…you’ll like this one…