Wasted days and wasted nights…

Well…it has been one long, wasted day today and I have done absolutely nothing except rest and watch movies today and I may be feeling a little better…still have the chills and am sweating like crazy but the throat is better, I hope, and that may be cause to have some hope…I did want to write about the whole Susan Rice hypocrisy and the comparison to what Condi Rice did during her time in GW’s administration…okay I will…as you know, the repubs have been screaming conspiracy about the whole Benghazi nonsense, and they have been vowing to block Susan Rice’s nomination for sos just for her reading the talking points that were given to her by the intelligence folks…what about the approval of Condi Rice when she deliberately lied to the American people about Iraq’s ability to make a nuclear weapon when she had been told that the intelligence was faulty and she used it anyway. Now, which is worse, reading a paper or lying to the American people? And getting us into a war that cost us trillions of dollars and got over 4,000 Americans and countless Iraqis killed? I think you know the answer to that…so when you hear the hypocrites McCain and Graham (who helped push Condi Rice’s approval through the Senate), just think hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, and stop listening to these idiots…they don’t deserve it…

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