Well… that was quite a boring Saturday…although the soccer matches were fun to watch…my prediction, after watching Germany take apart Argentina, is that Germany goes all the way to the cup. There are no other teams left that looked even half as good as they did…I’ll even put a couple of bucks on it if you want…you decide. No plans for the day…didn’t go out to watch the fireworks last night…sitting here and sipping a martini had a lot more attraction than riding my bike in the dark….and by the time the fireworks would go…it was the third martini going down so it wouldn’t have been a good idea. I CAN think straight sometimes…
As you can tell from the lack of outraged posts, I’m having some success with controlling my anger…never really did have that much of a problem but I still feel like crap when I’m always ready to blow about everything. So maybe I’ll try humor instead…there are enough angry people writing out there so maybe that will make it easier….it will surely be easier on me. So maybe more later since I really don’t have anything else to do today….