Well…have been sitting here stewing about the liar Snyder here in Michigan and his betrayal of our state and the workers here….in this whole mess, a new fact popped up in the news tonight about a poll that was taken over the past few days on how much support this labor attack law has…when the question was asked if people supported this new law, only 6% of the people said they wanted something like this passed…only 6%…so how can Snyder sit there and lie through his teeth saying that most of the people want this? Just another instance where the Kochs and DeVos’s have purchased a legislature and whose voices count for more that the people who actually work here…..I am getting excited for 2014…we will take back this state and return it to the path of a labor/management cooperation where the workers share in the profits that derive from their labor and have a true voice in their lives…geez…