Well…with the latest tragedy and the many, many others that have happened over the past year, I have only one question that I want the government and the NRA to answer: “where is my right to be protected from people with guns?” Why do I have to live in a society saturated with guns and unstable people who won’t hesitate to use them? I know the right and the NRA make their living on the second amendment but what about the Declaration of Independence and my right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” Aren’t these basic, essential rights of American society just as important as the right of a person to carry a gun or to own guns whose only purpose is to inflict carnage on other humans? Where are my rights when I am lying dead by the hand of a person using a legally purchased gun? I am normally a pretty strict constructionist when it comes to the bill of rights but not to the extent that my fellow citizens can be slaughtered every day, especially children, by the unreasoned adherence to words that were written for a different time. And now, we have a new law that was just passed here in Michigan that would allow anyone with “special training” to carry a gun into any school in the state…even when there is no one in the public that thinks this is a good idea or supports it. I’ve had enough…don’t my feelings count? I am so uncomfortable when I see the gun nuts strutting into stores and other places I frequent with their guns strapped to their hips…who knows when the “nice man” that lives next door is going to go over the edge? Do we have to give them the ability to destroy entire communities just to keep the repubs and the NRA happy? I want to feel safe in my life and having more and more guns in more and more places is not the way to do it…this is not Dodge City in 1845 where the only way they found to end the killings there was to confiscate all the guns when you came into the city…and return them when the people left….let’s do something…anything, to stop this crap…I’ve had enough…