Well….I have been getting easily sidetracked over the past few days and that is why this one is so late…but, I do need to talk about ole Boehner’s “Plan B” proposal and the absolute nonsense it contains…along with the minimal tax increase on the rich…his plan will cost the poor and middle class around 1,500-2,000 dollars a year in higher taxes…but, here’s the kicker, it will cut medicaid, SS, medicare, meals on wheels, food stamps and almost every other program that the middle class and working poor depend on to make their lives livable…and he had to include this stuff to get the rest of the repubs in the house to go along. This, to me, is the clearest example of who the repubs have become…protect the rich and corporations at all costs while they say go to hell to everyone else….Obama should stop “negotiating” with these thugs and just let the country go over the cliff…but then let the people know what this “Plan B” includes…it will continue to shrink their base to the point that in two years, they will be a fringe party in reality and we can start re-making the country in the image of those who care about good governance and all of the people who live here…and what is left of the repubs can go back to hell where they came from…geez…