Well…I am kind of laughing today when the terrorists on the right were out maneuvered by some of the adults that are still in Washington on the fiscal curb…they have repeatedly just said no, no, no on everything that has been done to try to actually govern the country and the people that are still there and want to actually move the country forward have figured a new way to cut these idiots out of the process…and the big irony here is that they could have gotten more of what they wanted if they would have negotiated in good faith, but now there is a path that can basically ignore the tea baggers and let them continue to throw their tantrums while business gets done. The good thing is that even the repub leadership, such as it is, has gotten tired of the nonsense and has started to listen to the people…some of them have even started to use math again; something that is beyond most of the baggers, and see that if they don’t start doing the peoples work again, they will be gone. One other thing that I see that is a plus is that there will be less of these idiots on Thursday when the new congress convenes….it’s about time….geez…